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We meet on the 1st Wednesday of every month from 7-9pm and the 3rd Sunday of every month from 10am-12pm. Opening meditation 20mins, sharing, weekly focus & reflection questions, closing.

We meet every second Wednesday from 8-10pm and follow the structure of the Men’s Group Field Guide. generally meetings are held in Rosebery, Bondi Junction and Woollahra.

We meet every second Thursday from 7-9pm. We start with a sit in silence, then sharing and feedback, with physical exercise in between, following the structure of the Men’s Group Field Guide.

Group is currently assisted by an outside facilitator and in process of developing protocols. Group meets every 3rd Monday and is closed for now but please contact Roni if you’re interested.

We have about 30 men who meet every second Tuesday – sharing, talking through our pain, support.