Need to ‘get something off your chest’ or the chance to talk? Join our men’s group We’re looking for 8-12 men who wish to relate better with themselves &/or others, by joining our challenging yet supportive Men’s Group. For…
We are two open men’s groups meeting weekly in Sodus, NY. We are affiliated with the ManKind Project and all have experienced the New Warrior Training Adventure. Thee are roughly 20 MKP circles in Western New York ranging from Buffalo to…
A semi-structured, informally therapeutic group. Currently meeting on Wednesday evenings fortnightly, at various locations in the upper mountains, often around a campfire. Structure is: check-in; open sharing (building on themes or urgent issues of…
Monthly Men’s Group of up to 9 per week. Respectful sharing, no angles re religion, race, colour, sexuality – just for blokes who want to be heard and want to listen.
We meet every three weeks for physical / body work, breathing, topical talks, sauna, more loose talks around the bonfire, food.