Group meets every 2nd Thursday, 7.15pm
We call our men’s groups Integration Groups (I-Groups) – they are places where men integrate new skills, new experiences, and new perspectives on their lives.
The group is also open to men who have not done the MKP New Warrior Training Adventure.
Our men’s group is place to learn:
Conflict resolution
Communication skills
Relationship development skills
How to make and meet big goals
How to overcome the past
Brotherhood and camaraderie
How to tell the truth with compassion
How to create and maintain strong groups
How to manage your emotions
We don’t try to make friendships … we make powerful bonds between men, whether they like each other or not. We’re not here to put on a show for each other.We’re not here to offer salvation.We’re here to cut through the b.s. that we’ve been taught are the fundamentals of being a man. We’re here to step through the fear of showing up authentically, warts and all, in our lives and loves. We’re here to find and explore our self-made purpose.