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Open Group

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Who are we ?
We are a group of Men whose vision is to support other Men that want to move forward from the place they are at.
A group of peers with various backgrounds yet similar stories.
During the meetings there will be skills trained and practiced that enable people to handle life’s challenges better.

What is our intention ?
• Support through and within a peer group
• Connecting with own feelings
• Increasing emotional intelligence
• Help discovering old patterns that run my life
• Teaching life skills

Why the Open Men’s Group ?
Everyone goes through times where things are not simply “all good”.
The Open Men’s Group wants to offer a safe place to speak and to be heard, a place to grow, support and be supported.
Brett and Gerold have a long history in Men’s work and experienced the joy of witnessing people changing their lives. They also have lived experience in what can happen when issues like loneliness, anxiety, depression, trauma etc. are not addressed.
We want to make a difference by standing next to you, if you find yourself ‘on the edge’.

How is it done ?
Our top priority for the group is Confidentiality.
This is the first and essential step in creating the safe space we work in.
Regular meetings are held predominantly as a sharing circle. Every Man puts into the circle what he is comfortable with sharing. No one is asked to go beyond, yet may be invited to expand his comfort zone a bit.
If a Man wants to address an issue he feels stuck in, facilitated processes are available to address these.

Any Man is invited to contribute activities and to exercises stepping into one’s power and enrich the group.